How do batteries work?

05 October 2023

Technology has overwhelmed our everyday life and wherever we turn our eyes we will see a device or a vehicle that desperately needs a battery. However, is the way batteries work fully understood?

A battery or otherwise an electric accumulator refers to a device that stores chemical energy and releases it in the form of electricity.

By electricity we refer to the circulation of electrons through an "assistant" (e.g. cable) in which there is the infamous circuit.

The "+" and "-" markings on the batteries have not gone unnoticed by anyone. But what do they mean?

A battery consists of three parts:

• The rise (-)

• The cathode (+) and

• An electrolyte.

The anode and cathode are connected in an electrical circuit. Chemical reactions take place inside the battery, which create electrons during the anode, resulting in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode. It is an imbalance between electrons.

The electrons then tend to "fight" each other in order to get rid of the imbalance and find a spot that has fewer electrons. Therefore, the electrons move based on the establishment of an absolute balance between the imbalance, directed towards the weak points, that is, those that have fewer electrons.

These weak spots where the electrons seek and can be driven are the cathode. At that point the electrolyte makes it difficult for the electrons to go straight to the cathode.

The only way for the electrons to reach the cathode freely is through a closed circuit, that is, if there is a wire connecting the anode to the cathode.

At the same time, during the prevention of the flow of electrons all these chemical reactions cause damage to the chemicals located at the anode and cathode. This is also the reason why batteries have a limited amount of energy.

Therefore, when a battery is charged, the direction in which the electrons move with some other energy source changes. (eg chargers). The electrochemical reactions are reversed and the anode and cathode return to their original state.

At STANDARD we have been active in the field of energy accumulators since 1974 and have specialized knowledge about batteries for all devices and vehicles. We offer answers to your possible questions and you can contact us with any question, as our customer service is the cornerstone of our business!