The 4 simplest ways to maintain the health of your car battery

05 October 2023

Car battery problems always appear at the worst possible time. But in order to avoid an unpleasant surprise in our car at a critical moment, there are four very simple things that you may not have known can help your car batteries.

1. Make sure your battery is clean

Everyone cares about the appearance of their car and constantly makes sure that it is clean inside and out. But it must be kept clean in other places as well. One of them is the battery and specifically the terminals it is placed on. When the battery terminal is dirty it can easily prevent the battery from getting the fluid it needs, ultimately preventing it from working.

2. Establish a routine

What is the most common reason a car battery malfunctions? A human error.

Whether you forgot the lights or the radio or the headlights or even the interior light above the seat, all this is enough to find out the next morning that your car battery is dead.

The best way to avoid draining your battery is to establish a simple routine that you carry out every time you get out of your car. If you spend 3-4 minutes each time checking the "dangerous" areas, you will save a lot of time and a lot of hassle from your life.

3. Lock the doors

This may be obvious to some, but not to everyone. In addition to the security provided by locking the car doors, it also saves your battery power.

Many car models perform "readiness" checks whenever the car doors are unlocked. These readiness checks use battery power resulting in battery drain.

4. Avoid short runs

Short journeys are very damaging to your car battery, as there is not enough time for it to fully recharge. Especially if you also use the radio, the battery reserves are depleted.

Therefore, the next time you want to drive up to the stand in your car, we suggest you think twice.

However, there comes a time when your car batteries need to be replaced. If your car battery is dead, visit STANDARD! We have a wide range of battery options and we guarantee that you will find the best option for your car!