What does the autonomy of a scooter depend on?

05 October 2023

The nightmarish movement with MMMs in our everyday life has turned into a dream paradise with the newly arrived scooter. Ease of movement even at rush hour, flexible and adaptable to all parking spaces, an electric scooter is awarded as the best means of transport.

What factors affect the range of a scooter?

1. Battery!

Scooter batteries are the most important part of your vehicle. All batteries have a life cycle and when you notice that they are no longer providing the duration that they used to, then their life cycle is running out.

Never allow the battery to discharge completely. Make sure it is constantly charged at around 90%, to avoid overcharging in this way.

When the battery is maintained with a methodical charge, the full charge cycles are reduced. Consequently, battery health remains stable and protected.

Tip: Each electric scooter uses a different type of battery. So avoid the chargers of other electric scooters as it may be harmful to your vehicle.

2. Maintenance of the scooter.

Constantly checking the condition of your skate will drive you white-faced. You need to consider the condition of your tires, pads, brakes, steering wheel and all the components that complement it.

For example, the screws that join different parts of electric skates "loose" over time due to vibration. All parts of a scooter are exposed or moving, so it needs periodic inspection to keep it running at its best.

3. Pay attention to speed and route.

Smooth, responsible and careful driving saves lives and skates! Make sure you don't exceed the speed limits and maintain a smooth ride without accelerating or decelerating sharply. Also, avoid difficult routes, such as steep uphills or downhills, and don't "take" small inclines with your e-scooter's steering wheel.

All of the above improve the sustainability of your scooter, keeping it functional for many years. However, the regular and diligent care that scooter batteries need is the be-all and end-all! STANDARD knows the importance of the role of energy in all vehicles, that's why it offers you the best batteries for scooters!